Getting started with Interest Spaces in Kaleidos VLE

Year 8s were given passwords and the briefest of introductions. They were then challenged to log on at home, find their way to their Interest Space and prove that they’d been there by adding an unlikely fact to the Discussion board. The first appeared about twenty minutes after school closed, and other responses (some really entertaining ones)  in all evening. By that time people had figured out that you can change font sizes, colour, add pictures …..Next morning we put the Discussion up on the Interactive Board and they were delighted with it; a really positive and easy opening. We also shared what else had been discovered and it took about five minutes for the way to change passwords, put up photographs etc to be passed between them.

The story writing Wiki was quickly described along with linking pages. By six o’clock that evening someone had set up a single word story challenge, someone else had started a story, and a new discussion on ‘slavery’ had opened! An encouraging start.

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